the Mall in Columbia – tragedy hits close to home


This time tragedy hits very close to home.  The Mall in Columbia, is a large popular shopping mall  in the relatively new town with the same name ,  in the neighboring Howard county, only  seven miles away from my house.  In the past, I  wrote a story about the beautiful lake Kitamaqundi.   The lake is across the Mall in Columbia.  Thousands of people visit the mall  on a Saturday morning.  More now, with the very cold weather, the mall is the likely place to go and spend some time for many youngsters (hanging out) for many families who may push a stroller  and grab a bite at the food courts,  and for many shoppers as well.  I have shopped often at the Mall in Columbia, as it is the largest mall close to me  and it features some nice shops.

This time tragedy hits so close.  Still at this time the  police has not released much information on the details of the incident,  All we know is that a young male armed with a gun and ammunition  killed  a young woman and another young man,  injured some more, and then took his life.   Needless to say that all the local media talk about now,  is this incident.

Out in the parking lot, a witness is answering some questions of a local reporter.  She wonders.  ” Who in their right mind want to do such a thing on a Saturday morning?” .  That is all most people wonder.  Well it is very simple.

If someone goes to a mall armed like that, he will  kill.

If  one wants to kill he is not sane.

If he is going to kill in a public busy place, he does not expect to survive.

If he is determined to commit suicide he is not sane.

Yet this insane person  was obviously able to obtain a gun.

Why not?  He was exercising his 2nd amendment!

The system helps him.

Various discussions started already in all the media.  Some say that the first thing to do, is to identify and correct the psychological problems of the young people.  I agree, but this  may take a generation, if all is done correctly and systematically.  Others say that a gun law will not stop  a murderer.  I wonder how, without a gun, can someone take so many lives so quickly and kill themselves.   I say that there is no reason to make it easy for anyone.  I say that even a normal person may acquire the mentality of power just because he can easily obtain a weapon.   We see it in this country more and more, every day. How many times we have received a message that someone suspicious has been spotted in a University Campus!  And yet tragedies like this happen more and more often.  If this is not an alarming pattern, I don’t know what would be.  I am tired of this hypocritical society. The same people who  promote violent video games, are the same ones who defend  gun ownership.

Today, three more families lost their children,  thousands of people lived terrified moments,  millions of people realize that threat is hovering over their heads,  and yet those who make the important decisions,  just  “pray”  and  play political games.  They all agree on the increasing psychological  issues,  yet to those disturbed people, getting a gun is as easy as getting a bubble gum.

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